Thursday, April 03, 2008

South Bend and Chicago

I got back last week from my trip to visit my brother, sister (in-law) and nephew.  It was so much fun.  I took about 6.8 million pictures.  So, I will share with you some of my favorites. And, I uploaded them in no particular order, so enjoy the randomness.  I threw in a couple of funny ones to show that it really is straight-up luck that I get any good ones.

Most of these are of my adorable nephew.  There are more posted on The Book of Armaments (sorry if you can't see them because you are not an invited member.  I am elitist like that.

This one, as with all of them, is much better in full size.

He thinks he is funny.  So do I.

The basilica at Notre Dame.  It is gorgeous, and has a giant gold-leafed Mary on top.  Very cool.

I was supposed to get some good "family photos".  I like this one.

One of my faves.  He almost has the "who is this lady who won't stop taking my picture" look.

I don't know why, but this one speaks to me.

Although naturally very cute, this picture proves that I am not always able to capture that cuteness.  It is still good, just with funny eyes.

Check out those eyes.  I wish my eyes were bright like that.

More proof that I am not that good.  Or, maybe I am really good since I caught a face like this.  I fully expect to use this as blackmail at a later date.

Loving the slides.

This was about 30 minutes after they picked me up at the airport.  He still isn't sure what to think of me and my camera.

Good sun exposure.

Chicago was so great.  The weather was surprisingly mild.  And, as much as I love the boy, it was really nice to just have us girls and no stroller.

Since no one is allowed to touch my camera, especially random strangers, we have separate pictures at Wicked.

I let my sister-in-law touch my camera for this one.  She can count herself very lucky.  That is her coat, too.  I chose not to bring mine.  I almost chose to take this one home with me.

So, there it is.

And, by way of really simple review: Wicked in Chicago is excellent, but a slight step down from Wicked in NYC.

1 comment:

Liz Johnson said...

Awww I love them! I didn't see that family pic. I love it!