Monday, February 08, 2010

Its finally over!

I went to the Cardiologist today. Something I have been doing every 1-2 years since I was 12. After 14 years he has finally signed off on me. No more going back to the cardiologist unless new problems arise. Woohoo! I am heart-healthy!


Liz Johnson said...

YAY!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on having a good heart, in many different ways. :)

Hilary said...

Woo hoo!!! That makes me very happy!

Now you just have to figure out why your leg is turning purple! :-)

Kimberly said...

Congratulations! This makes me very happy.

Usually Kristen sometimes Kevin said...

Way to go Andrea...I am so excited for you. Too bad we never get to see you anymore.

Burt said...

haha i thought you said cosmetologist! def not the same thing:)

Laura Campbell said...

yeah!! now time for that blasted urticaria weird stuff to go away!

sa-rah said...

Congratulations, Andrea - that's wonderful news!!