Thursday, April 17, 2008


I am still painting my condo.  I am a slow painter.  And there are a few colors which makes everything more difficult.  But, I decided I would post a couple pictures so you can get an idea of what to expect when you come visit me.  And, you can weigh in on the elphaba-green room.

We'll start with the good, and move on from there.  I really love my blue wall. I think it is stunning.  My mom loves it.  My dad thinks it is ugly.

My mantle is going to match the blue wall.  It still needs a couple coats of paint.  Right now it has the antiqued look.

The chartruese (?) kitchen is one of my favorite parts.  It is just a fun color.

Note that the plant is still alive, it will not be long before it goes the way of all plants I own.

As we make our way down the hall we immediately notice the glow coming from my bedroom.  I was not exaggerating.  This picture is proof that my bedroom emits harmful radiation.

So here it is.  It looks all cute and fun in the pictures.  I still don't know how I feel about the color.

The doorway into my master bath.

Please notice that in this picture the green is different.  It really does change every second.
So there it is.  I still have to paint some more and peel off all the tape.  Which, by the way, when I started peeling the tape off it peeled some of the paint with it.  So, now I get to fix all the edges.  Woo hoo.


Lani said...

I love them all! But I understand that sometimes pictures don't really give an accurate representation of color. I really like the green based on the pics. But I'd say if it gives you migraines, do change it!

Liz Johnson said...

That is really green. I like the second green best of all. I always say that if you don't like the color, paint over it... but it could look good with dark colored furniture and the 'perfectly chosen accessories,' as In Style Living would say. :)

Hilary said...

I'm really liking them all too! I'd need to see the last one in person to get the whole radioactive effect, but the pictures look good!

Chris J. said...

Wow, colorful.

Kimberly said...

I vote for painting over (you mentioned some sort of finish or something) or getting some awesome artwork. I love the color, but I know that every wall being such a radiant color can get annoying (I once had a bedroom like that). Really, though, a few things on the walls might make all the difference.

Kim said...

I found you!!!! I like the green. can I move in